It's Official: Mount Vernon Democratic Primary Winner Named

Affidavit and absentee ballots have been counted and Shawyn Patterson-Howard will be named the winner of the Mount Vernon Democratic mayoral primary.

Shawyn Patterson-Howard

Shawyn Patterson-Howard

Photo Credit: Shawyn Patterson-Howard via Facebook

Although current Mayor Richard Thomas has yet to concede - and has filed a lawsuit claiming voting irregularities - the final vote count sits at 2,384 for Patterson-Howard and 2,175 for Thomas following the primary on Tuesday, June 25.

A judge is reportedly currently reviewing Thomas’ case, while the Board of Elections says there is no merit to the lawsuit.

If she is ultimately elected in the heavily Democrat-leaning city, Patterson-Howard - the president and CEO of the Yonkers YMCA who formerly ran the Mount Vernon YMCA - would become the first female elected mayor of the city.

“My historic victory heralds a transformation in our beloved city,” Patterson-Howard said. “I’m grateful for the trust and support of my fellow Mount Vernonites. I promise to govern with integrity and provide Mount Vernon with a stable and progressive administration that supports its people and helps us all rise. 

Patterson-Howard says she is now eyeing the general election and working with her team to prepare for all comers. The Board of Elections is expected to formally certify her as the party’s nominee on Monday, July 15.

“It's time to begin the work of restoring trust in local government, and rebuilding our infrastructure and community resources, including Memorial Field,” she said. "We’re looking ahead and creating partnerships with officials at the local, county, state and federal levels to strengthen and build Mount Vernon for the future.  I have a comprehensive plan for transforming Mount Vernon, and we want the entire city to join us. Let’s move forward together."

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